Twinning Agreement between the Old Royal Capital Cetinje and Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality

Signing ceremony was held in the presence of high-level delegation of the City of Gaziantep, councilors of the Assembly of The Old Royal Capital Cetinje, the representatives of the Senate of the Old Royal Capital Cetinje, city administration and media.

Today signed document envisaged broad cooperation of two cities in the area of culture, environment, health, agriculture, tourism, sport, and especially in terms of economy.

Otherwise, discuss the issue of economic cooperation was also the focus of the visit of the delegation of the City of Gaziantep to the Old Royal Capital Cetinje. Namely, mayor Gizelbej said how in the past period known bearers of the local industrial sectors with the investment potentials of Cetinje, and that there is already interest portion of Turkish businessmen to invest in the Old Royal Capital Cetinje.

Therefore, Mayor Güzelbey sent the initiative that the delegation of the Old Royal Capital Cetinje and representatives of  business circles visit Gaziantep, to discuss with interested investors.

Mayor Bogdanovic reminded that cooperation between the two cities dates from the 2011.

-When two years ago we made the first contact, and then, in the Republic of Turkey, signed the initial document - the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation, but then, it was clear that our partnership will be deepened and intensified. So, I'm glad we are today, during a return visit of the delegation of the City of Gaziantep to Cetinje, signed a new document, which guarantees us the creation of formal presumptions for a stronger and more specifically partnership - he said.

Mayor Bogdanovic specifically referred to the the intensification of economic cooperation, announcing that the delegation of the Old Royal Capital Cetinje will soon visit Gaziantep, aiming to attract the local investors.

- Considering that our partner city known as one of the leading industrial centers in Turkey and that it Cetinje, thanks to the measures taken, already  now recognized as a fertile ground for new investments, we expect a particularly fruitful cooperation in the economic sphere - he concluded.

Mayor Güzelbey expressed satisfaction with the visit of Cetinje, adding Gaziantep and Cetinje share many common moments - starting from importance in the past of their countries, through a rich cultural heritage, to the shared vision of the city administration.

- I am convinced that in the Old Royal Capital Cetinje have great partners, and further convinces me that the previous cooperation with the Mayor Bogdanovic. I believe that together we will be able to do a lot, starting with the segments related to the development of economic cooperation through culture and sport. I am glad that today I can communicate and that the president of the Football Club Gaziantep invited the the Football Club Lovcen that in February 2014, during the winter preparations, be their guests - he said.

As he added, future candidacy of Cetinje for the UNESCO World Heritage List is also one of links which connect two cities - considering that Gaziantep is already on it.

On the eve of the signing ceremony of Treaty, in the Mayor’s Office of  the Old Royal Capital Cetinje was organized a bilateral meeting, during which the two mayors exchanged information about current and upcoming projects.

On that occasion, the most talked about models of incentives in economic activity, and the mayor Güzelbey expressed his conviction that the entities of the Gaziantep expressed interest in investing in the Old Royal Capital of Montenegro. 

The delegation of the City of Gaziantep, headed by Mayor Gizelbej, during his stay in Cetinje, was received by the President of Montenegro, Filip Vujanovic. On that occasion Mayor Gizelbej proposed opening of the Honorary Consulate of Montenegro in Gaziantep, in the order to facilitate coordination of their mutual activity on a broader scale.

City of Gaziantep is located in Turkey's Southeast, in the region of  Anatolia. With 1.5 million inhabitants, Gaziantep is the sixth largest city in Turkey and the industrial, commercial and shopping center of east of the state. Actuators in Gaziantep make five per cent of the total industry in Turkey. In addition, Gaziantep is one of the oldest actively inhabited cities in the planet and dating back before the new era.


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